winter chill

As the chill of autumn settles in and the prospect of winter looms large, it's natural to think about ways to keep your home warm and cosy. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is through proper loft insulation. Not only does it enhance your home's comfort, but it also delivers substantial financial benefits. In this blog, we look at the different types of loft insulation and how they can save you money.

Loft insulation comes in several different forms, understanding the differences and knowing when to use each type is crucial for maximising their efficiency.

Insulation board

These are rigid, solid boards, typically made from materials like polyisocyanurate (PIR) or extruded polystyrene (XPS). Insulation boards are ideal for spaces where a solid and firm structure is required, such as under the loft floor for a usable storage area. They offer remarkable thermal performance, ensuring that heat remains trapped in your living spaces, reducing the need for additional heating.

Roll insulation

This is the more familiar and traditional form of loft insulation. Comprising layers of mineral wool or glass fibre, roll insulation is an excellent choice for covering the loft floor. It's easy to install and effective at trapping heat within the living areas.

Actis insulation

These innovative multifoil insulation products are widely used in the construction sector, offering an efficient way to meet energy efficiency regulations and create comfortable living and working spaces. The also provide a level of acoustic insulation.

The right time to use each type depends on your loft's purpose and your budget.

How can loft insulation save you money?

Now, let's connect the dots between loft insulation and saving money. A well-insulated loft means your home retains heat more efficiently, resulting in lower energy consumption. In colder months, the insulation prevents warm air from escaping through your roof, reducing the need for constant heating. This translates to significant savings on your energy bills.

Good for your wallet and the planet

Furthermore, loft insulation can make your home more environmentally friendly by reducing your carbon footprint. As you consume less energy, your overall contribution to greenhouse gas emissions decreases. It's a win-win for your wallet and the planet.

Next steps

Understanding the right type of insulation for your needs and budget is key. So, this winter, stay warm, save money, and make your home more energy-efficient by considering loft insulation. Your future self and your bank account will thank you.