Fence it right: timber for ensuring a sturdy winter defence.

Winter's arrival brings with it a set of challenges, and one aspect of your home that's often exposed to the harshest of elements is your garden fence. Ensuring your fence is robust and ready to face the winter head-on is essential for both security and aesthetics. In this blog, we'll explore the best ways to upgrade your existing fencing and what to consider when purchasing new fencing.

Upgrading Existing Fencing

Reinforce Posts

The strength of your fence often lies in its posts. Inspect them for signs of rot or instability. If you find issues, consider reinforcing or replacing them. Sturdy posts are the foundation of a resilient fence.

Sealing and Coating

Applying a weather-resistant seal or coating can significantly extend the life of your existing fence. It acts as a protective barrier, shielding the wood from moisture, which can lead to rot or decay.

Replace Weak Panels

If you have specific panels that are weak, damaged, or showing signs of wear, it's advisable to replace them. Look for sturdy, well-constructed panels that can withstand winter's fury.

Purchasing New Fencing

Vertical Board Panels

These panels, also known as closeboard or feather edge panels, are designed for durability. They are constructed with overlapping vertical boards, creating a robust barrier against the elements. Vertical board panels offer both security and privacy, making them an excellent choice for winter defence.

Lap Panels

Lap panels are well-known for their strength and longevity. They are designed to withstand tough weather conditions, making them an ideal choice for winter fencing. The overlapping horizontal boards ensure that your fence stands up to strong winds and heavy snow.

Feather Edge Panels

Feather edge panels are renowned for their weather resistance. Constructed with tapered boards overlaid vertically, they shed rain and snow easily. These panels are not only sturdy but also provide an attractive and rustic appearance.

Meloir Green Treated Panels

Meloir green-treated panels are pressure-treated to resist moisture and decay. They offer a long-lasting solution for your garden fence. The treatment ensures that the wood remains robust and durable, even in the face of winter's worst.

When considering new fencing for the winter season, think about your specific needs, such as privacy, security, and aesthetics. A sturdy fence not only protects your property but also enhances its overall appearance. As you prepare for the winter ahead, make sure your fence is ready to stand firm, whatever the season may bring.